The surest way to confirm your immune status is through blood testing; therefore, when combining the following blood panels, (groupings of blood tests) for analysis, an overall picture of functionality becomes clear.


They are:

  •  Chemistry Panel and Complete Blood Count
  •  Male and Female Panel
  •  T-Lymphocyte Helper / Suppressor Profile
  •  Cytokine Panel
  •  Magnesium
  •  VIT. D 25 -Hydroxy
  •  Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)
  •  ESR (Sedimentation Rate)
  •  Cortisol AM /  PM Measurement Designations
    mg/dL         - Milligrams per deciliter
    mmol/L        - Millimoles per liter
    g/dL         - Grams per deciliter
    IU/L         - International units per liter
    ug/dL         - Micrograms per deciliter
    IOE3 / UL     - 10 to the third or sixth power
    IOE6 / UL        per microliter
    fL         - Femtoliter
    pg         - Picograms
    ng/mL        - Nanograms per milliliter
    O.R.         - Optimal range
    RR        - Reference range
    mm/hr        - Millimeters per hour
    pg/mL         - Picograms per millilter
    nmol/L        - Nanomoles per liter
    ng/dL         - Nanograms per deciliter
    µmol/L        - Micromoles per liter
    cells/mm3    - Cells per millimeters cubed
    mclU/mL     - Micro International units per milliliter
    mL/min/1.73 m 2 -Milliliters per minute per 1.73 squared meters

    1) Chemistry Panel / CBC
    This is a comprehensive metabolic evaluation of 30 different blood tests.
    Click here for link on Chemistry Panel / CBC

    2) Male and Female Panel
    This is also comprehensive with 12 different blood tests that address general health, hormone status, cardiovascular health, and prostate function.
    Click here for link on Male and Female Panel

    3) T-Lymphocyte Helper / Suppressor Profile
    This test evaluates and compares two important parts of the immune response. Without T-helper cells many of the other immune cells are not able to activate and fight infection. This test measures the number of T-helper cells.
    After activation of the immune response, suppressor cells deactivate the immune cells fighting the infection. This test measures the relationship between T-helper cells and T-suppressor cells.
    Click here for link on T-Lymphocyte Helper / Suppressor Profile

    4) Cytokine Panel
    This panel is used to find the source of chronic inflammation, after a high CRP reading (C reactive protein) or the persistence of any chronic inflammatory condition. Cytokines are proteins that modulate the inflammatory response. This panel identifies elevated levels of specific cytokines.
    Click here for link on Cytokine Panel

    5) Magnesium
    One of the body’s most important minerals. Co-factor in hundreds of enzymatic processes within cells, helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, promotes healthy cardiovascular function, helps maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels, supports a healthy immune system, keeps bones strong.
    Click here for link on Magnesium

    6) Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
    Vitamin D is important to every cell and tissue throughout the body. From proper immune function and bone density to heart health and mood disorders, vitamin D is critical for optimal health. The only way to achieve an optimal level is through proper supplementation.
    Click here for link on Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy

    7) Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)
    Helps screen for autoimmune disorders.
    Click here for link on Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)

    8) ESR (Sedimentation Rate)
    The ESR or SED rate is a nonspecific test used to detect chronic inflammation associated with infections, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.
    Click here for link on ESR Sedimentation Rate

    9) Cortisol A.M. - P.M.
    Measures adrenal function used to diagnose adreno-cortical insufficiency or hyper secretion. Chronic stress can fatigue the adrenal gland. This disruption results in symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
    Click here for link on Cortisol A.M. - P.M.

    When reviewing reference ranges through the links, they may differ from others obtained from different blood testing labs.
    Our RR (reference range) originate from: Life Extension Foundation and LABCORP. A third resource for comparison purposes is Medline Plus found online.