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- Parent Category: Nanotechnology
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by John Troon
Variations Could Help in Assembling and Sorting Structures
Nanotubes and nanowires are promising building blocks for future integrated nanoelectronic and photonic circuits, nanosensors, interconnects and electro-mechanical nanodevices. But some fundamental issues remain to be resolved—among them, how to position and manipulate the tiny tubes.
Read more: Friction Differences Offer New Means for Manipulating Nanotubes
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- Parent Category: Nanotechnology
- Category: News
As a result of a major inter-laboratory study, the standards body ASTM International has been able to update its guidelines for a commonly used technique for measuring the size of nanoparticles in solutions.
The study, which was organized principally by researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory of the National Cancer Institute, enabled updated guidelines that now include statistically evaluated data on the measurement precisions achieved by a wide variety of laboratories applying the ASTM guide.
Read more: Multi-laboratory Study Sizes Up Nanoparticle Sizing
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- Parent Category: Nanotechnology
- Category: News
Atlanta —Three years after breaking ground, Georgia Tech is set to dedicate the Marcus Nanotechnology Building, one of the most ambitious and expensive projects in the Institute’s history. The ceremony was held on Friday, April 24, at 3PM
The 190,000-square-foot complex poises Georgia Tech to be a global hub for nanotechnology research and development while igniting an environment that could potentially transform both local and state economies.
Read more: Marcus Nanotechnology Building Formally Dedicated
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- Parent Category: Nanotechnology
- Category: News
Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Leslie Vosshall dreams of a day when her findings on insect olfaction are used to develop a strategy for blunting an insect's sense of smell. Without smell, blood-thirsty mosquitoes would be blinded to the scent of humans, and medflies would be unable to find their way to citrus crops.
Vosshall and her colleagues at Rockefeller University have been working to understand how the insect olfactory system works, always keeping their eyes on the bigger picture: New knowledge about how insects detect odors and how odors influence their behavior may help researchers identify new ways to fend off pests that transmit diseases like malaria or ravage agricultural crops.
Read more: New Protein Family May Help Explain a Mystery of Insect Olfaction